Thursday, January 4, 2018

Grades Schmades

For many of us, grades have been the pure motivation in passing our classes and I feel that if we were to get rid of them, I feel that it could have many advantages including us being more focused on the content rather than just m
memorizing for assessments. I think it could possibly spark more conversation, because I feel that people wouldn't be more afraid of being "wrong," because being wrong won't affect them in a grade - it would just spark further discussion.

Unintended consequences may cause the fall of this whole idea. With essentially no grades, we may start to slack because there isn't really a progress bar. If I see that I didn't submit a blog because you put a zero in the grade book, I'll think "oh shoot gotta go do that blog." If there isn't a grade to be put in, knowing me I'll just think,

"Oh well, I'll write it one day."
*narrator voice* "She never did write that blog."

The only way I can think of avoiding this drawback is to create sort of a warning system. Most people have like vague memories of the green, yellow, and red card system from elementary school. Green is like everything's going smooth, yellow is you're about to crash, and red is you're on thin ice. Basically, just make a fun little system that'll tell people not to slack off.


  1. I am especially happy to see that the title of this blog went through so many revisions. I don't mind your final choice, but IMHO, "Grades Schmades" is WAAAAAAY better.

    I am averse to the green-yellow-red idea mostly because it's basically just grading, but replacing letters with colors. I will use the 1-point signal system, but HOPEFULLY, I will also be more conscientious about what TYPES of assignments I give. If I'm careful, then you will not want to put it off, because doing it will be A)interesting? and/or B) necessary to be ready for an interesting class, or C) all of the above.

    1. I've taken your comment into consideration, and have changed the title back from "Grades Are Sooo 2017" to "Grades Schmades"
